第105期(2002年9月1日) |
经文:出3:13-15 |
以上所读的经文记载摩西问神的话:“以色列百姓若问我你的名字叫什么,我该怎样回答”,神对摩西说:“我是自有永有的”,并当场行了神迹,把摩西手上的杖变成蛇,让摩西的手长出大麻风,又让其复原,并赐给摩西口才。至此,摩西真正了解了这位独一的真神,充满了信心去完成神交给他的神圣使命。“自有永有的神”有怎样的含义,是我们基督徒必须清楚明白的。我们从三个方面进行分享: 一、神是创造之神。 神是自 有永有的,表明神存在于万物之前,是创造者,是使无变为有的神。 1.宇宙万物的存在显明有一位创造之神。“因为房屋都必有人建造,但建造万物的就是神”(来3:4)牛顿发现了第三定律,即作用力等于反作用力的原理,物体必须有作用力才会运动。地球围绕太阳转,月亮绕着地球转,这都需要有一个原动力,这个原动力就是上帝。人类无法否认原动力,就无法否认上帝的存在。如保罗所说:“自从造天地以来,神的永能和神性是明明可知的,虽是眼不能见,但藉着所造之物就可以晓得,叫人无可推诿。”(罗1:20) 2.宇宙万物有秩序有规律的存在,显明神是一位有智慧的神。“我观看你指头所造的天,并你所陈设的月亮星宿……”(诗8:3)的确,万物的存在有其规律,相信“爆炸说”的人认为宇宙万物是由爆炸产生的,1个太阳、1个月亮都是爆炸的产物;而实际上我们知道,爆炸的产物是无规律的,而宇宙万物的运行是如此有规律,根本不可能是爆炸产生的。许多大科学家在研究世界的规律时,不能不承认有一位神。天上无数星辰是有秩序的,太阳每天规律地出没……这一切都不是出于偶然,而必须有一个不可否认的大能创造者。 二、神是永恒之神 宇宙万物有开始也必定有结果,有存在也必定会消亡,但上帝是永远存在的。如希伯来书13:8所说“耶稣基督昨日今日一直到永远,是一样的”。《圣经》多次显明上帝是永恒的,是不变的。上帝造人时赋予人有意义和价值,人既有了上帝的形像和属性,也就有其永恒性。但因始祖犯罪才失去了永远的生命,从那时起有了死亡。但神爱世人,特要藉着主耶稣在十字架的代死代赎,使一切相信的人获得永生。基督既然一次被献,担当了多人的罪,将来要向等候他的人第二次显现,并与罪无关,乃是要拯救他们。正如罗5:21所说“就如罪作王叫人死;照样,恩典也藉着义作王,叫人因我们的主耶稣基督得永生。”感谢主,神是永恒之主,人应当以有限的生命追求无限的永恒的神。 三、神是万有之神 自有永有神,原文意思是“I am who I am ”意思为“我是”,上帝是人所需要的一切丰富。以色列人出埃及进迦南有很多困难,但上帝却有更多的恩典;法老虽有百万军队,但万军之耶和华胜过那百万军队;过红海虽没有船,但神却使红海裂开,使百姓顺利过去;在旷野虽没有食物,但神就是食物,降下吗哪;没有水喝,神就是活水磐石流出泉水解百姓的干渴……人所需要的一切,神都供给。 感谢神,我们所信的是一位创造万物、永远存在、永恒不变的神,是万有的神,我们更有信心一生一世去信靠他,更加热心地爱他。 I AM WHO I AM By Pastor Chen Lifu Bible Verse Reading: Exodus 3: 13-15 The scriptures here record what Moses asked God, "If Israelites ask me 'What is his name?' what shall I say to them?" God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM." and showed signs to him. God changed Moses' staff into a snake, and made his hand leprous. Then God restored them and God was with his mouth. Up till then, Moses really knew the truly God and the only God and he was confident that he would accomplish what the Lord entrusted him. As Christians we should know the meanings of "I AM WHO I AM". 1. God, the Creator. "I AM WHO I AM" suggests that God existed before all things were created. HE is the Creator, creating the world out of nothing. 1.1 The existing of all things in the universe shows that there is one God who is the Creator. "For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God." (Hebrews 3: 4) Newton discovered the third law, i.e. acting force is equal to reacting force. The motion of objects is indispensable to reacting force. The earth revolves round the sun and the moon round the earth, which needs an original force. This force is God. Human cannot deny the original force, and hence we cannot deny the existence of God. As Paul said, "Ever since the creation of the world his eternal power and divine nature, invisible though they are, have been understood and seen through the things he has made. So they are without excuse." (Romans 1:20) 1.2 All things in universe are well-ordered and regular, which reveals that there exists a wise God. "When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, / the moon and the stars that your have established…" (Psalms 8: 3) All things are regular. "Explosion theory" believers think that all things come forward in explosion; either the sun or the moon came forward in explosion. But as we know, things coming forward in explosion are irregular. On the contrary, the motion of all things is so regular, which cannot have been the result of explosion. Many great scientists admit that there is one God when they are studying the universe. The countless stars in the sky are well-ordered, the sun rises and sets regularly each day… None of these is accidental. There should be an almighty Creator that we cannot deny. 2. God, our permanent Lord All things have their beginning and ending, existence and disappearance. But God exists forever and ever. Hebrews 13: 8 says, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." Many times God showed us in the Bible that he was permanent and unchangeable. God gave meanings and values to humans when He made them. Human has the form and attribute of God and has HIS permanence. Due to the sin of our first ancestor, death started even since. But God love the world and gave His only son to die and redeem so that all that believe in Him will have eternal life. Jesus was sacrificed for our sins and carried the sin of many and will reveal a second time to those who were waiting. As Romans 5: 21 says, "So that, just as sin exercised dominion in death, so grace might also exercise dominion through justification leading to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Thank God and we should pursue the limitless, permanent God with our limited life. 3. God, the Lord of all things God is rich in everything we need. Whatever difficulties the Israelites met when they left Egypt and entered Canaan, God gave more grace; God defeated the millions of soldiers of Pharaoh; God split the Red Sea to let His people pass it; God was the food in wilderness, He fell manna; when there was no water to drink, God was the living water gushing out from the rock… God gives us everything we need. Thanks be to God. The God we believe is the Creator of all things and He will always be there and never change. Let's depend on Him with more confidence and love Him more. |
(根据录音整理) |