第119期(2002年12月8日) |
经文:路19:1-10 |
此段经文记载主耶稣最后一次进耶利哥城(该城喻表世界),撒该蒙恩得救的经过。耶稣在犹太全地传福音,医病赶鬼,行了许多神迹奇事,当他经过耶利哥城时,有众多跟随者拥挤着他,在那里有一个人名叫撒该,是税吏长、财主,是被犹太人所痛恨、轻视的大罪人,“他要看看耶稣是怎样的人,只因人多,他的身量又矮,所以不得看见。”那么他如何才能看见并得着耶稣呢? 一、跑到前头,爬上桑树(参4节) 撒该是有钱财、权势、地位的人,竟冲破一切困难和阻力,从路上“跑到前头”,甚至“爬上桑树”,这实在不简单,一个成人又是税吏长,竟不顾及面子、身份。主耶稣历经犹太各城各乡传福音,都在留意有没有诚心来看他的人。如:患十二年血漏病的妇人在众人的拥挤中,用诚心亲自摸着耶稣,她的病立即痊愈(参路8:43-48)。同样,耶稣经过耶利哥城,也在观看众人中有无诚心要见他的。撒该“爬上桑树”非常诚心地要见耶稣,耶稣要拯救撒该。 二、撒该,快下来(参5节) 耶稣到了那里,抬头一看,对他说:“撒该,快下来。”创造撒该的是耶和华,他要按着名叫自己的羊。耶稣知道撒该的名字,也知道人的心意,因为主是无所不知的。“快下来”不是慢慢地,也不是等待,乃是迅速,没有迟疑地回应。今天许多自称信主的人并未真正听从耶稣的吩咐,并未重生得救,要赶快从“树上”下来。他们贪爱世界,享受罪中之乐,所求的都是虚空无益的事,必须“快下来”才有盼望,惟基督才能拯救你,主的宝血才能洗去你的罪污。 撒该听见主的呼声就“急忙下来”,立即从财主的身份上下来,何等迅速顺服、谦卑听从主话。王下5:1-19记载:亚兰国元帅乃缦身患麻风,来到以色列国求医治,他肯放下元帅的身份完全谦卑顺从,“下去”约旦河沐浴七次,大麻风就得着洁净。拿3:4-8记载:尼尼微城罪大恶极,达到神面前,神定意降火毁灭这城。当这信息传到尼尼微王的耳中,他就“下”了宝座,脱“下”朝服,披上麻布,坐在灰中。有了尼尼微王“急忙下来”的行动,才挽回神的忿怒,免去了神的刑罚和审判。撒该从桑树上下来,乃缦从岸上下河,尼尼微王从宝座上下来,他们都成了蒙恩得福的人。 “急忙下来”是基督徒学习的功课,因为骄傲使人失败。代下26章记载犹大王乌西雅心高气傲,擅自进入神的殿中烧香,受到神的刑罚,长大麻风直至死日。神阻挡骄傲的人,赐恩给谦卑的人。摩西“为人极其谦和,胜过世上的众人”被神重用,成为神家里的尽忠仆人;保罗认为自己是“使徒中最小的,不配称为使徒”,被主重用,成为圣使徒;主耶稣的名配受一切受造之物的赞美和称颂,因他“不以自己与神同等为强夺的,反倒虚己,取了奴仆的形像,成为人的样式。既有人的样子,就自己卑微,存心顺服,以至于死,且死在十字架上”(腓2:6-11)。让我们在事奉的道路上,谦卑顺服在主面前,在一切成就的面前“急忙下来”与主亲近,仰望我们的主耶稣。 三、今天我必住在你家里(参5节) 撒该一向被人轻视,从来没有人关心、爱护、同情、了解他,能得到主的慈爱、温暖、亲切的关怀,他的人生实在有福。这么伟大、尊荣的救主耶稣主动提出要住在他家里,因此撒该内心万分激动,“急忙下来,欢欢喜喜地接待耶稣”,不是忧忧愁愁、勉勉强强,乃是甘心乐意。也许我们蒙恩时曾是无可奈何的,是为了朋友亲戚的情面勉强接受耶稣,这不是欢欢喜喜接待耶稣。我们在主里面要诚心相信,要出于内心的欢喜。约1:12道:“凡接待他的,就是信他名的人,他就赐他们权柄,作神的儿女。” 四、一半给穷人,讹诈了谁,就还他四倍(参8节) 撒该是税吏长,仗着罗马的权势,为非作歹,敲诈勒索,获得大量不义之财,成为财主。当耶稣进入他的家,生命之光照进撒该的心,撒该看见了自己的本相,就痛悔地对主说:“主啊!我把所有的一半给穷人,我若讹诈了谁,就还他四倍。”这是真正悔改的行动。贪爱钱财是他的软弱,主进到他家里,他立刻对付自己的软弱,把所有的一半给穷人,四倍退赔,剩余的就不多了。从属世的眼光看损失很大,而从属灵上看是得着,得着基督为至宝,视万事如粪土。让我们以得着基督的生命为荣幸为自豪,这才是真正的财富。 五、今天救恩到了这家(参9节) 撒该诚心悔改舍己,主的救恩就临到他,不但救撒该一人,也救他全家。“因为他也是亚伯拉罕的子孙”,亚伯拉罕是信心之父,撒该也因信称义,得神的救恩。“人子来,为要寻找、拯救失丧的人。”耶稣降世为人,就是要寻找、拯救全世界失丧的人,因为世人都是失丧的,如迷失的羊,死在过犯罪恶中,今天你我蒙主寻找、拯救归回羊圈,乃是好牧人肯为我们流血舍命,钉死在十字架上,他的复活拯救我们脱离罪和死的权势,使相信的人成为神的儿女。 主耶稣今天籍着信他的人,寻找失丧的人,只要人有心归向神,都为主所悦纳,因为“凡求告主名的,就必得救”(罗10:13)。 的真实。”感谢主,让我们凭着信心在人生逆境中充满歌声。 Zacchaeus Is Saved By Rev. Huang Meiying Bible Verse Reading: Luke: 19: 1-10 This part records Jesus' last entry to Jericho, a city symbolizing the world, as well as Zacchaeus' being saved by God. Jesus preached Gospel in the whole Judean countryside, healing people, driving away ghosts, multiplying signs and wonders. When he passed Jericho, multitudes followed him. Among them was Zacchaeus, a chief tax collector who was quite rich. He was hated and discriminated by Jews. "He was trying to see who Jesus was, but on account of the crowd he could not, because he was short in stature." Then how could he see and obtain Jesus? 1. Run ahead and climb a sycamore tree. (Ref. Luke 19: 4) Zacchaeus was rich and powerful. However, he broke through all difficulties and barriers, "ran ahead" and even "climbed a sycamore tree". This is really not easy. Though an adult and a chief tax collector, he went so far as to disregard his face or position. When LORD Jesus was preaching Gospel in the whole Judean countryside, he kept an eye on those who came to him genuinely. A good case in point is the woman who had been suffering from hemorrhages for twelve years and who touched Jesus and was healed immediately. (Ref. Luke 8:43-48) Similarly, when Jesus passed Jericho, he was observing if any one truly wanted to see him. Zacchaeus "climbed a sycamore" and hoped to see Jesus earnestly. Jesus was to save him. 2. "Zacchaeus, hurry and come down." (Ref. Luke 19: 5) When Jesus came to the place, he looked up and said to him, "Zacchaeus, hurry and come down." It is God who created Zacchaeus and He called His sheep with their name. Jesus knew Zacchaeus' name and human will, because nothing he does not know. "Hurry and come down" rather than slowly come down or just wait. The words imply prompt and resolute response to God's call. Today many self-claimed LORD-believers do not really follow Jesus' words and are not reborn or saved. They should hurry and come down from "the tree". They coveted for the world and enjoyed the pleasure in the sin. All that they desire is vanity and useless things. They should "hurry and come down" so that they have hope. Only Jesus can save them and cleanse their evils with his precious blood. Having heard the LORD'S call, Zacchaeus "hurried down"-He hurried down from a rich man's position. How fast he followed the LORD'S words with obedience and humbleness! According to 2 Kings 5: 1- 19, Naaman, commander of the army of the king of Aram, suffered from leprosy. He went to the land of Israel seeking for help. He was willing to lay down his identity as a commander and perfectly and humbly obedient, he "went down" and immersed himself seven times in the Jordan, and he was clean. Jonah 3: 4- 8 records that the city of Nineveh was extremely wicked and the wickedness came up before God. God was determined to destroy the city. When the news reached the king of Nineveh, he "rose" from his throne, "removed" his robe, covered himself with sackcloth, and sat in ashes. Due to the "hurrying down" of the king of Nineveh, God changed His mind about the calamity that he had said would bring upon them. Zacchaeus' hurrying down from the sycamore tree, Naaman's going down to the river from the bank and Nineveh king's rising from his throne-what they did made them blessed. "Hurrying down" is a lesson to be learned by Christians because pride goes before failure. 2 Chronicles records that Uzziah, king of Judah was proud and presumptuously entered the temple of the LORD to make offering on the altar of incense. He was punished by God and suffered from leprosy to the day of his death. God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble. (Ref. 1 Peter 5: 5) Moses "was very humble, more so than anyone else on the face of the earth." He was put in an important position by God and became a loyal servant in God's family. Paul considered himself "the least of the apostles, unfit to be called an apostle", and he was put in an important position by God and became a saint apostle. LORD Jesus is worth praising and blessing by all the creation because he "did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited, but emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness. And being found in human form, he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death-even death on a cross". (Philippians 2: 6- 8) May that we are humble and obedient to the LORD while serving Him and "hurry down" to be close and look up to God whenever we have achievements. 3. I must stay at your house today. (Ref. Luke 19: 5) Zacchaeus had been looked down upon by others and no one had ever showed any care or sympathy for him or tried to understand him. He was really blessed to have the LORD'S kindness, warmth and amiable care. So great and honorable a Savior took initiative and lived in his home. No wonder Zacchaeus was wild with joy. He "hurried down and was happy to welcome him." He was willing and happy to welcome Jesus, not sad or reluctant. Maybe we had no choice when we were having the grace, and reluctantly accepted Jesus for the sake of friends or relatives. We should truly believe in God and be happy from the bottom of our heart. "But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God." (John 1: 12) 4. Give half of my possessions to the poor, and pay back four times as much to those I have defrauded. (Ref. Luke 19: 8) Zacchaeus was a chief tax collector, and he took the advantage of Roman power to blackmail and gained a large amount of illegal money. When Jesus entered his house, the light of life shone his heart and he saw his true face and repented to the LORD, "Look, half of my possessions, LORD, I will give to the poor; and if I have defrauded anyone of anything, I will pay back four times as much." This is the action of real repentance. Coveting for money was his weakness. But when the LORD went to his house, he immediately dealt with his weakness. From secular perspective he lost a lot, but from spiritual perspective, he gained Jesus as the most precious while regarding all things as rubbish. May that we all take pride in gaining the life of Jesus, which is real wealth. 5. Today salvation has come to this house. (Ref. Luke 19: 9) Zacchaeus truly repented and denied himself and LORD'S saving grace fell on him. It is not just Zacchaeus but also all his family who was saved. Because he was "the descendant of Abraham" and Abraham is the father of faith, Zacchaeus was justified by faith and had God's saving grace. "For the Son of Man came to seek out and to save the lost." Human beings were all lost like the lost sheep, and died in evils. Today we are found and saved by our LORD and return to the sheepfold for the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep and dies on the cross. His resurrection saves us from sin and the power of death, and makes the believers become God's children. LORD Jesus look for the lost people through His believers. God is pleased with all those who set their mind to convert to Him because "Everyone who calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved." (Romans 10:13) |
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