第115期(2002年11月10日) |
经文:经文: 约3:1-15 |
这段经文记载主耶稣与尼哥底母谈论重生的真理和救恩、永生的福份。主耶稣的话直截了当,一针见血,论到人惟有经历重生,才能进神的国。 1节的叙述中,“尼哥底母”名字意为“民众的得胜者”,他是个财主,耶稣受难后,他为耶稣遗体安葬献出一百斤的没药和沉香,所以他应是十分富有的;“法利赛”是当时犹太社会的一个宗教的教派,意思是“分别出来的人”,是全国最优秀、持守律法、分解真理的人,他们维护律法而被尊称为“以色列人的先生”;“犹太人的官”,据传犹太公会由七十人组成,是犹太人的最高法律机构,也是犹太教的“异端裁判所”,其职责之一:搜查和对付任何被疑为假先知的人,耶稣就是他们所厌恶、迫害的对象。很希奇,犹太公会的议员竟然来见耶稣,并且谈论关于自己灵魂的事情。 一、尼哥底母夜里来见耶稣 尼哥底母能克服自己的偏见、教养和人生观来见耶稣,实在是一项恩典的奇迹。他夜里来见耶稣,可能是身份的原因;可能希望有一段绝对单独、完全不受干扰的时间来和耶稣谈论心中的困惑;可能希望在夜的黑暗中找到亮光需要彻夜的长谈。他见到主耶稣就说:“拉比,我们知道你是由神那里来作师傅的,因为你所行的神迹,若没有神同在,无人能行。”他不知道耶稣就是神的儿子,作罪人的救主,更不知道主是道成肉身的“以马内利”。他与犹太人一样,盼望以色列民族脱离痛苦和灾难,进入神应许的弥赛亚国度,他却不知道和他说话的就是弥赛亚,更想不到人要进入神国还必须“重生”。 二、“人若不重生,就不能见神的国” 主耶稣的教训,常点明人心的需要或过犯,如:1.打水的妇人,需求活水:约4:10耶稣说:“你若知道神的恩赐,和对你说‘给我水喝’的是谁,你必早求他,他也必早给了你活水。”2.贪食的众人,需为永生的食物劳力:约6:27“不要为那必坏的食物劳力,要为那存到永生的食物劳力……”3.爱财的少年,需变卖所有的:太19:21耶稣说:“你若愿意作完全人,可去变卖你所有的,分给穷人,就必有财宝在天上,你还要来跟从我。”4.骄傲的官长,必须重生:虽是犹太人的官长,很有学问、知识、名誉、地位、权势,其内心也是污秽不圣洁,生命也是枯干如骸骨,必须要用神的话来重生、滋润,这样才有份于神国。 “重生”是再生一次的意思,必须从道生,从圣灵生,从神生。人求“天国”必须先有“重生”的经历,这是主对一些只重视外表不求生命的人所说的;也是对只守律法仪文不求属灵精意的假冒为善的法利赛人提出的严重警告;同时,也教导门徒认识“重生”的真理。重生在我们基督徒信仰中占有很重要的地位,是每一个人进神国的必经之路--认罪悔改、信靠耶稣、得主生命。 三、人已经老了如何能重生呢 尼哥底母实在不能理解“重生”的意思,反问主说:“人已经老了,如何能重生呢?岂能再进母腹生出来吗?”耶稣就进一步解释说:“人若不是从水和圣灵生的,就不能进神的国。”这是神应许给人的救恩且清楚告诉我们:神爱世人,赐下独生子为人舍命,人信神的独生子,罪得赦免,得享永生(参约3:16)。这即是神的大爱,又是人的信心,在耶稣基督里契合的结果。使罪人的生命更新,这种生命更新的变化,就是“重生”真实的表现。 6节中的“肉身”是指从父母而生,是旧人、老自己,常常失败犯罪,没有良善--“奸淫、污秽、邪荡、拜偶像、邪术、仇恨、争竞、忌恨、恼怒、结党、纷争、异端、嫉妒、醉酒、荒宴等类”(参加5:19-21)一切的败坏。这节中的“灵”就是圣灵,进入人的内心,使人重生,让人得着基督的生命,结出圣灵的果子--“仁爱、喜乐、和平、忍耐、恩慈、良善、信实、温柔、节制”(加5:22-23)一切的善行。重生是看不见摸不着,但从重生之人生活的改变,就可以晓得。 四、主讲论救恩,尼哥底母得重生 耶稣用风比喻圣灵使人重生的工作,但尼哥底母还是不明白说,“怎能有这事呢?”凭知识是难以理解重生的,因属灵的事是奥秘的,只能凭信心去领受。主耶稣更进一步启发他说:“摩西在旷野怎样举蛇,人子也必照样被举起来,叫一切信他的都得永生。”当日,神指示摩西制造一条铜蛇,挂在竿子上,叫那些被火蛇咬伤的人仰望铜蛇,就必得救。摩西举蛇预表主被钉十字架上,凡仰望十字架的基督,认罪悔改,信主耶稣,就使人重生,进入神国。当尼哥底母明白重生的真理,不仅得着重生的生命,且成为一位爱主、肯为主牺牲的基督徒。祭司长和法利赛人派人捉拿耶稣,差役空手而回,法利赛人发怒训斥差役,尼哥底母大胆为主辩护(参约7:47-51)。他虽未公开承认耶稣,但已从心里接受、喜欢耶稣,暗中保护耶稣,在十分艰难和不利的环境中,带着约一百斤的沉香、没药为被钉死十字架的主耶稣安葬(参约19:39)。 尼哥底母用谦卑虚心的态度去寻求真理,接近生命的主,并接受救恩、得到重生,实在是值得敬佩和效法。 To Be Born Anew By Rev. Huang Meiying Bible Verse Reading: John 3:1-15 These verses recorded the talk of LORD Jesus with Nicodemus about the truth of rebirth, saving grace and the blessing of eternity. The words of LORD Jesus are straightforward and hit the nail on the head. He says that only through rebirth can a human being enter the kingdom of God. In the first verse, the name "Nicodemus" means "the winner of people". Nicodemus is a rich man. After Jesus' crucifixion, he dedicated a hundred pounds of a mixture of myrrh and aloes for burying the body of Jesus, which showed his wealth. "Pharisees" are a denomination in Jewish community, meaning "the people separated", and they are the most excellent and law-abiding people who understand and explain the truth. They maintain law and thus they were called respectably as "the instructors of Israelites." "Leaders of the Jews" are said to be a Jewish council consisting of seventy members. The council was the Jewish highest institute of law as well as the "office of heresy judge". One of its duties was to search and deal with false prophet and Jesus was the one they hated and persecuted. It is strange that the official of Jewish council came to visit Jesus and talked to Him about his soul. 1. Nicodemus came to Jesus by night. It's really a miracle of grace that Nicodemus could overcome his prejudice, fine breeding and philosophy and come to see Jesus. Maybe he desired to have an absolutely undisturbed time with Jesus alone, talking about his puzzle; maybe he desired to find light in the dark by all-night talk. As soon as he saw Jesus, he said, "Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God; for no one can do these signs that you do apart from the presence of God." He didn't know that Jesus was the Son of God, the Savior of sinners, and "Immanuel" of LORD who became flesh. Like Jewish people, he hoped that the Israelites could break away from pain and disaster and enter the kingdom of Messiah promised by God. He didn't know that it was Messiah that he was talking to, nor did he know that one should "be born from above" to enter God's kingdom. 2. "No one can see the kingdom of God without being born from above." The teachings of Jesus very often hit the needs or the guilt in one's heart. For example, a. the woman who fetched the water needed living water, and Jesus said, "If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you, 'Give me a drink,' you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water. b. The greedy people should work for the food that endures for eternal life: "Do not work for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures for eternal life…" (Ref. John 6:27) c. The money-love young man had to sell all he had. Jesus said, "If you wish to be perfect, go, and sell your possessions, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me." d. The proud leader must be reborn. Although he was a Jewish leader with a lot of knowledge, good reputation, position and power, he was dirty or not holy in his heart and his life withered like bones of the dead. He should use God's words to be born anew and then he will have the share of God's kingdom. "To be born anew" is to be born again from Word, from the Holy Spirit, and from God. A person should have the experience of "rebirth" before he asks for "heavenly kingdom". This is what the LORD says to those who attach importance to the appearance rather than to the life. It is also a serious warning to the hypocritical Pharisees who followed the old written code of law instead of Spirit. Meanwhile, the LORD taught his disciple the truth of "rebirth". "Rebirth" holds an important position in our belief. To enter God's kingdom we should repent, believe in and depend on Jesus and to have the LORD'S life. 3. How can anyone be born after having grown old? Nicodemus did not understand what "rebirth" means, so he asked a question in reply, "How can anyone be born after having grown old? Can one enter a second time into the mother's womb and be born?" Jesus explained further, "No one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit." This is the saving grace God promised us. God told us that He so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish by may have eternal life. (Ref. John 3:16) This is God's great love and human faith, and this is the result of combining ourselves with Jesus Christ. The renewal of sinners' life is the demonstration of being born anew. "Flesh" in verse six means being born from parents, which is old self who suffers from failure and sin and who is not kind-"fornication, impurity, licentiousness, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, anger, quarrels, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these." (Ref. Galatians 5: 19-21) But the Holy Spirit will go into the heart, make human be born and have the life of Jesus. Thus the fruit of the Spirit will be born-"love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control." (Ref. Galatians 5:19-21) "Rebirth" cannot be seen, but we can see the life of the human after being reborn. 4. The LORD talks about saving grace and Nicodemus was born anew. Jesus used the parable of wind and compared it to the work of rebirth done by the Holy Spirit. But Nicodemus still asked as he was in the dark, "How can these things be?" "Rebirth" cannot be understood through knowledge because spiritual things are mysterious. Only through faith can we have rebirth. Jesus expounds that "just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in him may have eternal life." Moses' lifting up the serpent symbolizes the LORD'S being crucified, and those who look up to the Cross, admit their sins and repent and believe in the LORD Jesus will be born anew and enter God's kingdom. When Nicodemus understands the truth of rebirth, he not only gains the life if rebirth but also becomes a LORD-loving and willing-to-sacrifice Christian. The chief priests and Pharisees sent the temple police to catch Jesus, but they tried in vain. The Pharisees scolded the temple police angrily, but Nicodemus boldly defended the LORD. (Ref. John 7:47-51) Though he did not acknowledge Jesus publicly, he accepted the LORD and liked Him in his heart and protected Jesus Christ secretly. Under very difficult and unfavorable condition, he brought myrrh and aloes to bury the LORD. (Ref. 19-39) Nicodemus seeks for the truth and is close to the life of Jesus. He accepts saving grace and is born anew. What he has done is worth respecting and following. |
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重 生